Binge eating is the most prevalent eating disorder, affecting millions Americans, and is defined as: the consumption of large quantities of food in a short period of time, typically as part of an eating disorder.

After just 4 weeks of this course, you will:

  • Understand why you binge (hint: It usually started mentally and/or physically in childhood)
  • Have the tools to recognize triggers and create new habits
  • Have food FREEDOM for real-that "I forgot there was ice cream in the freezer" type freedom
  • No longer need to count calories and instead trust your hunger (whether you want to lose weight or not)
  • Be able to eat food with no guilt or shame, and thus truly enjoy food again
  • Find your self-worth and love your body just as it is right NOW
  • Learn why "control" lead back to bingeing
...and so much more.

Enrollment includes:

  • 4 weeks of video modules, taught by Casey.
  • Access to a PRIVATE Facebook community for support and accountability
  • A discount on 1 on 1 Coaching with Casey
  • Journaling prompts
  • Lifetime access to the course

Hi! I'm Casey. Here is MY story with binge eating!

And a little bit about this course :)

Hi! I'm Casey:

A Certified Life Coach and

Self-Recovered Binge-Eater.

To an outsider, I seemed perfectly happy and "normal." I had a job I loved, good friends, and a great relationship. Yet, there I was, a few nights a week, standing in my pantry eating as many Oreos as I could, while quickly grabbing a few chips or spoonfuls of peanut butter to eat in between cookies. When I would come out of my food haze, stomach in PAIN, tears in my eyes, and shame and immense guilt bubbling underneath the surface, I would immediately start planning to "start fresh" and "eat clean" tomorrow. I went through this cycle for 15 years. I gained weight, I lost weight, I was happy, I was sad, I "had control" and I "lost control," but most of all: I was losing my life. ALL of my time and energy went to thinking about eating or not eating, and finally, I realized I HAD to do something different. And so I did, and it f*cking worked. I am here now because I never thought I would have food freedom, but I do. I lost the excess weight, and I gained my life and energy back, and I want to help you do the same.

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